Sindacato Sappe, polemica con Gentiloni sul carcere moderno che aiuta la sicurezza

Sindacato Sappe,uno dei sindacati autonomi dei poliziotti carcerari alza la voce, mettendo in rilievo la realtà dura e cruda delle guardie carcerarie, parla il Segretario Generale Donato Capece:

"Nella conferenza stampa di fine anno il  Presidente del Consiglio Paolo Gentiloni, ossia che  avere un sistema carcerario più moderno e più umano aiuta la sicurezza. Ma oggi la realtà in Italia non è affatto così. Oggi,

Sindacato Sappe,uno dei sindacati autonomi dei poliziotti carcerari alza la voce, mettendo in rilievo la realtà dura e cruda delle guardie carcerarie, parla il Segretario Generale Donato Capece: "Nella conferenza stampa di fine anno il  Presidente del Consiglio Paolo Gentiloni, ossia che  avere un sistema carcerario più moderno e più umano aiuta la sicurezza. Ma oggi la realtà in Italia non è affatto così. Oggi, nelle 190 prigioni del Paese, sono presenti 58.115 detenuti, quasi 20mila dei quali sono gli stranieri, ossia ben oltre la capienza regolamentare, e gli eventi critici tra le sbarre (atti di autolesionismo, risse, colluttazioni, ferimenti, tentati suicidi, aggressioni ai poliziotti penitenziari) si verificano quotidianamente con una spaventosa ciclicità." Il riferimento è all'ultimo di una lunga serie di episodi,  con l’accoltellamento di un poliziotto penitenziario da parte di un detenuto minorenne,cita nella nota Capece, che richiede con forza un incontro col il Ministro della Giustizia Andrea Orlando" per affrontare eventuali interventi che possano essere messi in campo dalla politica. Per altro, sarà anche l’occasione per evidenziare al Guardasigilli che la realtà detentiva minorile italiana è più complessa e problematica di quello che lui immagina e che il SAPPE denuncia sistematicamente”. Una situazione esplosiva sotto il profilo della sicurezza delle guardie, ma anche sotto il profilo dell'immagine di tutti coloro che sono tenuti a garantire l'ordine all'interno delle carceri e si sentono abbandonati dalle Istituzioni per cui combattono giornalmente, mettendo a rischio l'incolumità e la salute personale. Un dramma che riguarda guardie ma anche detenuti per le condizioni delle strutture,  Lo  rende noto il Cpt, comitato per la prevenzione della tortura del Consiglio d'Europa, nel  suo ultimo rapporto: "Conditions of detention a. material conditions 35. Material conditions of detention at the establishments visited varied according to the year of construction and the level of recent investment in their refurbishment. Sassari Prison had been recently inaugurated and offered good material conditions of detention. Cells were spacious, well ventilated and lit and furniture and sanitary installations were in a good state of repair. That said, levels of humidity were high in particular on the lower floors of all buildings. Further, the whole establishment suffered from chronic shortages of water supply (due to the low level of pressure in the local water reservoir which also affected the surrounding community), and the water quality was visibly poor due to the presence of clay residue. By letter dated 6 June 2016 the Italian authorities informed the Committee that the prison management was now distributing one and half litres of bottled water to each inmate every day. 36. The other establishments visited were suffering from varying degrees of structural deficiencies, and all were in need of extensive refurbishments. At Ascoli Piceno Prison, the cells in the ordinary regime section offered acceptable conditions of detention although access to natural light was impeded by the double grilles of bars on the windows. Cells were adequately equipped with beds, stools and closets and the cooking areas and sanitary annexes had recently been renovated. That said, all outdoor facilities displayed serious deficiencies: the two courtyards for ordinary inmates measuring 115 m2 each were totally inadequate in terms of size for more than 60 inmates at a time, wash-basins and toilets were dilapidated and the courtyard in use for inmates under protection did not possess any shelter against inclement weather. At Como Prison, cells were equipped with beds, stools, tables and closets as well as a separate cooking area and sanitary annexe. With the exceptions of male Sections I and II which had recently been re-painted, the rest of the establishment31 offered poor conditions of detention: walls displayed holes and large unplastered areas, sanitary facilities were damaged and double grilles on windows limited access to natural light and hampered ventilation. In particular, one specific cell in Section I in which a fire had erupted in the course of October 2015 continued to accommodate inmates despite its floor and blackened walls showing signs of the past fire. The common shower facilities of the male sections32 were extensively damaged and unhygienic; showerheads had been replaced by plastic bottles and the walls were impregnated with moisture. Further, the central kitchen showed signs of disrepair, with damaged flooring and unplastered walls, and several corridors in the detention facilities had non-functioning lights. 31 Namely the female section as well as male Sections I, II, III, V and VI. 32 Only four cells of Section I had in-cell showers and there was a plan to extend their installation to other sections. - 26 - At Genoa Marassi Prison, with the exception of the ground and first floors of Sections I and II, which had been recently renovated, and the two drug-free units,33 cells displayed deficiencies in terms of unplastered and dirty walls, including in sanitary facilities, damaged and leaking water installations and poor access to natural light (due to double grilles on windows and opaque shutters on the side of the prison which was overlooking the nearby football stadium). Most of the mattresses were worn. Further, courtyards had no means of rest or shelter against inclement weather. At Ivrea Prison, prisoners were mainly accommodated in double cells furnished with beds, tables, stools, and cupboards, as well as a fully partitioned sanitary annexe. The premises were rather dilapidated and the delegation observed black mould on cell walls as well as rusted fixtures in sanitary annexes. In addition, hygienic conditions in some cells were inadequate, with mattresses showing patches of mould. A number of prisoners in cells on the upper floors of the establishment complained that hot water was not always available in the showers. Courtyards were sufficiently large, however, they were not equipped with a means of rest. The establishment also had two sports fields, one of which did not seem to be in use as it was covered in long grass. At Turin Prison, prisoners were mainly accommodated in double cells furnished with beds, tables, stools and cupboards, as well as a fully partitioned sanitary annexe. The premises were in general quite dilapidated, and conditions on the third floor of Block B were particularly poor (except for Section B10, which was being renovated), where the walls of cells and shower facilities showed large patches of black mould owing to serious leakages in the plumbing system throughout the block. Kitchens were well equipped and clean. Courtyards were sufficient in number and size. The establishment also had two football pitches and a rugby field. Da qualsiasi angolazione si guardi,il " sovraffollamento delle carceri italiane non è stato risolto perché molti istituti di pena operano ancora al di sopra della loro capacità"e l'Italia non rispetta gli standard previsti con la sentenza Torreggiani. "Il caso, come è noto, riguarda trattamenti inumani o degradanti subiti dai ricorrenti, sette persone detenute per molti mesi nelle carceri di Busto Arsizio e di Piacenza, in celle triple e con meno di quattro metri quadrati a testa a disposizione." ( Vivere in pochi metri quadrati, con l'umidità, tante persone assieme giorno e notte, vuol dire creare problemi di sicurezza, di salute e aggressività a non finire con esiti anche letali come dimostrano i recenti episodi di cronaca denunciati dai vari sindacati delle guardie carcerarie. Si avranno delle risposte o chi deve decidere continua in improbabili promesse elettorali con annunci di tutti i tipi senza la minima copertura economica e chi lavora soffre, mentre giovani e pensionati sono partiti o pensano di partire per altri stati. Giuseppe Criseo Varese Press